Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Review of Flirt by Laurell K Hamilton


Flirt was probably one of LKH's shortest books, a super fast read and I do mean fast. I read it cover to cover in 3 hours. It was a surprise book in the series that came to LKH after dining out with some flirtatious friends. The whole story of the inspiration appears at the end of the book.

I liked it, it was a nice side step from Anita's normal everyday dealings with master vampires and power struggles- not saying that this book lacked the violence or sex that she is known for though it was a little soft on the sex compared to many books that have been sex scene after sex scene. This one was actually filled with drama and sexual tension, not just sex. And it all had nothing really to do with Anita's regular menagerie of men.

So don't go into this book expecting any character development from the other men in her life. Anita does come to an emotional breakthrough point (maybe several) which are long overdue.

Flirt is more like the books when Anita goes off with Edward and leaves her men behind, in this one even Edward was missing and an entire cast of new characters-which will probably never be seen again save for one- were introduced.

I must admit I am really beginning to miss Jean-Claude and Asher and would love to see more of Nathanial and Micah.

All in all it was a great book, true Anita at her finest.


Barbara said...

So this book is shorter than Michah? I'm finally getting around to reading the books in this series that I never had a chance to. I've just started reading Incubus Dreams.

Anonymous said...

This is the only positive review I have seen of Flirt. I'm pretty surprised you liked it to be honest. I won't buy the book, I stopped after Danse Macabre, but I may see if anyone I know has it. It may be worth buying if it's really any good.

Roxanne Rhoads said...

I liked it because it was a break from the drama and the constant bed hopping, sex stuff. I didn't have to make a chart to keep track of who she was sleeping with. :-)

Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Great review hon!!!! Hope all is well!

Jackie said...

I finally gave in to keep my books in the series complete and ordered Flirt and after reading your review am glad that I did. I am looking forward to the "shortness" as it will be a quick read like Micah and looking forward to the emotional breakthroughs with Anita and the lack of the menagerie will be a welcome change of pace until Bullet and I am sure LKH will re-instate all the sex scenes there!

jackie b central texas