Here's my take using traditional vampire myths and legends.
I realize that in many movies and books vampires can eat, reproduce and all that (even in my stories) but for this I am sticking to traditional vampire stereotyping.
Vampires are eco-friendly because...
They do their part in keeping the population under control. See, vampires munching on humans has a positive spin after all.
Vampires also keep the population in check by not reproducing through traditional methods. The only way they reproduce is by making another vampire- out of a pre-existing human. That vampire in turn makes more vampires that do not reproduce as humans do therefor keeping the human population under control.
Vampires do not use a lot of resources because they don't eat or drink anything other than blood- which is a very sustainable resource. Humans constantly make more- as long as they are still breathing.
Vampires don't throw away much. Three hundred years later and they still have the same jewelry and clothes they had centuries ago. Talk about being a pack rat. But hey it's good for the planet. They are also very into recycling. Really- check any vampires lair, you'll find recycling bins.
Vampires are real treehuggers. They are all for saving trees. If a tree isn't cut down a wooden stake can't be made. Thus a life saved. Both the vampire's and the tree's.
Who has more at stake (pun intended) when it comes to saving the planet than an immortal vampire? While we humans only have one lifetime to live vampires live through many lifetimes, they are going to suffer the damage numerous generations do to our planet. And if humans manage to destroy themselves and the planet what is a vampire going to eat? That's why they are very involved in eco-friendly causes- after all their survival depends on ours.
So because of the reasons above I think vampires are very eco-friendly.
What do you think?
Have any others reasons why vampires are eco-friendly?
Loved your post. I agree that vampires are very eco-friendly. They do their part more than the average human for sure.
This is a great post! I love it. Oh, I would add, they don't waste water by flushing toilets, and when they do perish, there is no need to use up burial land, or add to global warming by creamating them.
On the downside, they sure do generate lots of books!
Nice post..I only worry if they switch to synthetic or donated blood they might have a lot of bags/cans lying around ;)
oh yeah, definitely eco friendly. and no wasting water showering or washing hands. or is that gorillas that can't be in running water? or maybe that was just a dream i had when i had that really high fever.
Very funny--love it!
That is great!
I totally agree. I think most supes love the environment and would keep it safe from us.
Great thoughts Carolyn
Love it, I totally forgot about the no- flushing toilets and the no need to use up burial land.
Bill from True Blood tv show recycles his True Blood bottles. he made a point to tell his fledgling to not throw her bottles in the trash and to recycle them
I think they are very eco-friendly. Because they're going to be here so long that you know they want everything to last for a long time. They don't eat so they don't have to through out a lot of cans or paper or fast food containers.
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