Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday Musings: April 19, 2010

So I had a rough weekend, nothing quite went the way I wanted it. I blame it all on Mercury going retrograde.

I still have not managed to get my son's senior collage put together- photo editing software hates me. (thankfully the wonderfully sweet author Jeremy Edwards has offered to save my butt and put the collage together for me- which I am totally taking him up on that offer. Isn't he amazing? If you love erotica check out his blog)

Have I mentioned me and technology do not get along? It took me years to start using a computer. I still have no luck with printers- they keep dying on me.

I am the type of person that has never been able to wear a watch. They stop working, they don't work right, eyc so I gave up. Seems that other high tech items don't last around me either.


So since I wasted a lot of time on a collage that is still not finished I didn't get much done on my to-do list. Nor did I have much pleasure time. I did end up with one hell of a headache though.

So this week at Fang-tastic Books we have Naomi Clark, Raine Delight and Lisa Lane.

There are plenty of contests still open- be sure to drop by and enter several before midnight tonight.

This past week's Free Book Friday was A Certain Wolfish Charm by Lydia Dare, 2 copies are available US and Canadian shipping offered you can also check out the interview

I am offering the steamy erotica book Hers for the Evening (actually a book of three novellas) by Jasmine Haynesas as the Free Book Friday giveaway at Roxanne's Realm

If you are a poetry love check out the giveaway for a signed copy of E.J. Stevens book of dark poetry Shadows of Myth and Legend

All three of those contests end at midnight tonight

Other contests still open include:

To all the artistic folks out there please, please, please check out the Fang-tastic Books t-shirt design contest, it has new rules and a couple more prizes added

You could win a beautiful 16x20 canvas print that you design -put any photo or image you want on it

And the 500 Follower Giveaway is still open, follow the blog for your chance to win a huge set of books
http://fang- tasticbooks. blogspot. com/2010/ 02/500-follower- giveaway. html

The 40th annual Earth Day is this week. To honor that there are a lot of eco-friendly products giveaways going on. Green guru and author, Wenona Napolitano, has several at her sites.

Win a starter pack of Marcal 100% recycled paper products. You have the chance to win a package of: toilet paper, paper towel and some other home paper goods that have a $25 value. These are hosuehold goods everyone always needs.

You can win a handheld deluxe steam cleaner at Everything Green Weddings and More

or a copy of the book Planet Wedding a Nuptial-pedia

You could even win an eco-friendly playhouse for your little one

1 comment:

Roxanne Rhoads said...

I hope that everyone is having better luck than me dealing with Mercury in retrograde.

Good luck all, have a great week.