Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday Musings May 17, 2010

What a weekend!

I got a lot of stuff done yet still feel like there's so much to do. My to-do lists are just way too long. It's no wonder I am always so stressed out.

I worked in the garden, cleaned house, caught up on some reading (I started the Vampire Diaries books wow a lot different than the show), spent time with the kiddies, considered coloring my hair but the hubby was too busy playing with his boat to help me so I ended up fiddled around on the computer (procrastinating instead of writing). One of these days I will figure out the photo editing software that I have :-) That photo above is about as technically advanced as I've been able to get. :-(

At least the weather cleared up and was nice this weekend- the past several weekends here in Michigan have been cold and rainy. This past weekend there was...gasp...sun!

It doesn't look like my patio will get done this year either. My husband got a boat and now that's all he can think about. All yard work and other projects have been suspended so he can work on his boat. Great. Thanks. All I've asked from him for two years is to make my patio but noooo can't do that for me, he works on it for a couple weeks then gives up and it gets all overgrown again before anything can be finished.

If I had the money I'd hire a bunch of hot, muscle bound guys to do it for me. Shirtless.

It'd serve him right to have me out there drooling over buff, tan, hot sweaty guys. Of course he might not even notice if his boat is around. :-(

What is it about men, boats and fishing anyway?

I don't know I'll stick to my garden and my books.

So this week at Fang-tastic Books the authors Crystal Kauffman and Victoria Roder will be here and I'll have a couple books to give away on Friday by Yvonne Navarro. Wednesday Tate Hallaway will be here to give away a copy of her newest book: Honeymoon of the Dead (which is a great read).

And my newest release comes out on Saturday-
The Dark Tales Digest at features my story "Cemetery Seduction"


Unknown said...

Yes the Vampire Diaries books are way different but I love them the same. Did you watch the season finale? Can I say crazy?!?!

Roxanne Rhoads said...

Oh the season finale was great-Damon just keeps getting sexier.

*Spoilers Ahead for those who didn't watch TVD season finale*

I wonder if he realized he was kissing Katherine or still thought after the kiss that it was Elena. I was rooting for Damon and Elena then bummed when it turned out to be Katherine.