Monday, August 23, 2010

Guest Blog and Giveaway with Suzanne Graham

There is no where I'd rather be than Michigan in the summertime. Beautiful beaches, warm days and cool nights (except when we're in the middle of a heat wave with the rest of the country), green leafy trees, and northern hospitality. Now in the wintertime, Michigan is definitely not my state of choice. When I moved to West Michigan (that's on the Lake Michigan side of the state) ten years ago, no one told me about lake effect snow that comes down nearly every day from November through April or the perpetually grey skies or the number of snow days the kids would have off from school every year.

Wait, that last one about snow days, that's actually one of my favorite parts of winter here in Michigan. I love having the kids home unexpectedly on a normal school day. I love the break in routine. I'm not a routine-type gal. In fact, I hate routine. Please, please, please don't ask me to do the same thing every day, every week, every month of every year.

I. Just. Can't. Do. It.

That's one of the reasons I LOVE being a writer, especially one fortunate enough to be able to stay home and write full-time. Each day is different from the next. As long as I get my word count done for the week, I can structure or unstructure my days as I see fit. Well, of course, within reason. I do still have 3 children and a husband who like to have dinner on the table every night and expect clean clothes to magically appear when they empty their drawers, but they are very comfortable not living in a spic and span house. Which is very good, because in addition to hating routine, I hate housework. But when we all pitch in on Monday nights, we can get this place presentable in a couple of hours. Monday night cleaning night? Isn't that a routine, you may ask. Um, yeah, but my hubby keeps us on track, not me. If it was up to me, we would have 'forgotten' after the first week it was initiated.

Okay, now I'm really off topic. Back to Michigan. I do love this adopted state. It's very middle America, and when I was creating the first couple in my Gifts of Desire series, I knew they had to be from Michigan.

While Tom and Amanda vacation in Tenerife, Canary Islands, for Amanda's birthday, they leave their comfort zone in more than one way when they meet British couple, Mark and Sabrina, in The Birthday Present. In The Christmas Present, the foursome continue their relationship when Mark and Sabrina travel to Michigan to visit Tom and Amanda for the holidays. The series concludes with The Anniversary Present when Tom and Amanda visit Mark and Sabrina in England and the foursome are forced to resolve their unconventional relationship.

So where's the paranormal? That's in my next release, Between A and Z. (Not set in Michigan, but in the state of my birth, Illinois. Another great mid-America state.) I'm very excited that this story will be released in the Threefold Anthology from Total-e-bound. My story will be appearing alongside stories by the awesome authors Desiree Holt, Kim Dare, Brynn Paulin, Kris Norris, and Charlotte Stein.

Between A and Z blurb:

Mia dubbed her life-sized clay sculpture, Adam, because he is the first man she’s ever made. Most of her work has been female torsos, but recently her muse insisted it was time for her to produce a man. Though, she might have been confusing her surging libido with her artistic muse.
Mia has been abstinent for nearly a year, but not because of any plan. Her best friend, Shirle, has organized a party for Mia to put an end to her long dry spell and give her vibrator a night off. Before she even gets out of Shirle’s car, Mia meets Zed.

Zed has come to the party to win a challenge. The waiters at the restaurant where he is the head chef and owner don’t think a black French chef can country line dance. Once he meets Mia, his purpose for the night changes. He plans to spend the evening with this incredibly sexy woman whose sense of humour is developed enough to subject herself to the intense teasing from her friends about her lacking sex life. But he must decide whether he still wants Mia when he discovers Adam plays an important role in her life.

In closing I would like to thank Roxanne, for this opportunity to post on her blog and to her readers for letting me introduce myself.

If you would like to learn more about me, please check out the following links.



My Total-e-bound Publisher website:

Suzanne is giving one lucky winner a complete set of
her Gifts of Desire series.

To enter to win, please leave a comment
on this post
with your email address.


debbie said...

This sounds great, I would love to read it. I hate to say this, but I am thinking Michigan is going to have a very bad winter this year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
Thanks for stopping by! I really hope you're wrong about our winter this year. But wouldn't that figure, we have the hottest summer and the worst winter all in the same year.


Bronwyn Green said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hi to my girl, Suz! :)

No need to enter me - I already have the set, and they're wonderful! But good luck to everyone entering! :)

Cecile Smutty Hussy said...

Holy moly... These are some hot books, Okay where have I been!!! Thanks for this awesome giveaway...

Now I will stalk to see if I win... if not... I will cry!

Lillie (AliseOnLife) said...

I've really been enjoying this Michigan author spotlight. I've learned some things about Michigan that I never knew before, being from the east coast.

Suzanne, your books sound HOT! It's great that you incorporate the city itself in your writing.

And, I love the colder weather! The three years I spent in Pittsburgh, I could actually breathe. In Philadelphia, the air is horrible for my migraines and allergies. Maybe I should consider moving!


Cheryl said...

Bill S. says it will be a mild winter. (Unlike the heat in your books.)

Sandy Jay said...

I'm hating the heat and humidity this year and really looking forward to Fall when things cool down. Of course, this is Michigan...we might just skip right over Fall and go straight to below freezing temperatures.

Cheryl, I hope Bill S. is right. We deserve a VERY mild Winter now.

Suzanne, thanks for the giveaway. I'm looking forward to reading your books.

forwhlz at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Hi Bronwyn! Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you've had a chance to read my series and liked it. I love your books!

Hi Cecile - Are you new to the erotic romance genre? Definitely some hot reads out there for all types of tastes.

Hi Lillie - I've also enjoyed reading the posts from the other Michigan authors. I never realized there were so many of us.

Hi Cheryl! - Thanks for stopping by with Bill S's weather report. I would be very happy with a mild winter.

Hi Sandy Jay - I sure hope we don't skip fall this year. That's my favorite season. Good luck with the drawing.


Elaine G said...

WOW..Hot covers.
great post and blurb.
please count me in for this giveaway

Anonymous said...

The books sound great! I think it's terrible that your family thinks you have to take care of them. Mine's the same way!)

Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

Hello! Your stories sounds great and I can totally relate to your need to break out of the routine. You should see how often just my hair changes color!

Thanks for the chance to win :)

mdwartistry at yahoo dot com

Tasha said...

Count me in!!


booklover0226 said...

Thank you for the generous giveaway. These books sound fan(g)tastic! YUCK-YUCK

Anyway, Suzanne, I look forward in reading your works.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

As I Lay Bleeding said...

nedsped at gmail dot com

You've sparked my interest!!!

Andrea I said...

I'm learning a lot about Michigan this month. You have some very HOT books.

The Scarf Princess said...

These all sound so good so I'd really love to get my hands on them. And as a fellow Midwesterner, I think we're going to have a horrendous winter. A super hot summer=a super cold winter. Ack!

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Estella said...

Michigan sounds like a lovely state, but I could not handle the snow.
Your books look great.

kissinoak at verizon dot net

Sherry said...

All of your books sound like great reads. I wouldn't like to like in Michigan in the winter I can't stand snow. When it snows I fell like I'm caged in and we don't even get a lot of snow.

Unknown said...

Wow, breathtaking covers, can't wait to read your stories Suzanne!

I haven't been to Michigan, but heard it is a beautiful state. However I know I would have difficulties with the snow and cold. I need my daily dose of sunshine!

Thank you for the great giveaway Suzanne! :-)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Wow, those books sound great. =)

Kajivar said...

Michigan doesn't sound all that different from my home state of Minnesota. ;)

The books sound like fun!


*yadkny* said...

Hi Suzanne,
Love those covers! The stories sound amazing too!

Nicole said...

Oh I love those covers!! Can't wait to read more!

Gabrielle Lee said...

What a great give away your books sound great.

I love snow days! The snow is so beautiful and of course it is always fun to play in.


Meredith said...

These look like some hot books! I'm going to have to schedule a trip to Michigan in the next few years. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic for the area.

meredithfl at gmail dot com