FANG: Today Natalie Zaman and Charlotte Bennardo, co-authors of SIRENZ are joining Fang-tastic Books on chat! Welcome ladies! Let's get right to it. Not a lot of authors work in pairs—tell us what it’s like to write with a co-author.
Are you here?
HG signs on.
HG: Blah, blah, blah blah blah. You want to talk to them? Really? They bore me. Why not chat with someone who’s far more interesting—me! Ask me anything.
FANG: HG? Who are you?
LD: It stands for “Hot God”. Because that’s what I am—literally, figuratively, metaphorically...
FANG: Look, I don’t know who you are, but I’m supposed to be doing an interview with Char and Nat, the authors of SIRENZ.
HG: They’re nothing special. I am. Oh, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself. I am Hades, Supreme Lord of the Underworld. And I can get you out of this horrible mess you’ve gotten yourself into.
FANG: Excuse me? What mess?
HG: This infernally dull interview.
FANG: Okaaay… Let’s talk about the way you’re depicted in SIRENZ. We thought Nat and Char’s descriptions of you were a little, well, off. You’re usually portrayed as creepy, old, ugly…
HG: I suppose I owe a slight debt of gratitude to them for trying to set the record straight, though they were a wee bit conservative in their appreciation of my desirability. Not that any human could ever do me justice.
FANG: I’m trying to think of something to say.
HG: Speechless, I see. A good quality in a mortal. But I suppose humanity has a while to go before it understands the depths of my magnificence.
FANG: Back on topic, did you pick Char and Nat to write the SIRENZ story?
HG: That’s confidential. I never discuss my business transactions or my trade secrets. That’s what makes SIRENZ somewhat interesting—it has a slight basis in reality.
FANG: So then SIRENZ is a true story?
HG: It has elements of truth. I’m fabulous, rich, a god, and I’m a problem solver for desperate mortals. There are sirens, and I’m always looking for new talent.
FANG: Hmmm. From what I’ve read, it seems your contracts are a little shady.
HG: I’m maligned! Every detail is right there in black & white. Be careful what you wish for! Sharisse and Margaret are perfect examples of disgruntled clients who don’t read the fine print. I gave them unlimited funds, a posh apartment, and everything they needed to uphold their part of our agreement. I practically handed success to them. Then they whine about insignificant details and how I’m a monster who took advantage of them. It was their choice! Free will!
FANG: But didn’t you admit to Hera that—
HG: I admit to nothing. When a person finds herself in a difficult situation and calls for help, I’m available to correct little indiscretions…. The favor is repaid by accomplishing a small task. I don’t ask for much, certainly nothing abhorrent. All Margaret and Sharisse had to do was escort Arkady Romanov, who’s been a bad boy, to the door.
FANG: But that door was from this world into yours—Tartarus.
HG: Your point? Arkady made a deal, time to pay his due. The girls made a deal, they had to perform their job. And I let them do it in style. Do you like lots of bubbles in your bath? I do.
FANG: Where’s Persephone, your wife? Will she be joining us as well?
HG: It’s summertime so she’s with her mother, but she and I have an understanding. Are you free tonight?
FANG: NO. I have plans.
HG: Not anymore. I have a nice, secluded island…
FANG: Hold on, another chat window just popped open… Hey! My date’s cancelled!
HG: See? Free as a bird.
FANG: Um, okay. I mean, no! I mean… Well, maybe just coffee.
HG: Anything you say, ma petite. Let’s go to Paris, shall we?
FANG signs off.
HG signs off.
NAT: Hi! We’re here!
CHAR: Yes! So excited to be on this fab blog!
NAT: Any one here?
CHAR: Hellloooooooo!
NAT: Did you get your dates confused again Blondie?
CHAR: I believe you’re the blonde now.
NAT: Oh yeah…

Join Nat and Char (plus HG and other characters from the book)
all along their virtual tour- visit each blog for book fun and giveaways
July 1 Tour Kick Off Fang-tastic Books, review, giveaway
July 3 Guest Blog
July 5 Guest Post
July 7 guest post
July 7 Interview
July 8 guest post
July 11 Interview and Giveaway at Bea's Book Nook
July 12 Rabid Reads - interview with an excerpt
July 13 Interview at Books by Their Cover
July 14 Interview at YA Addict
July 15 interview, review giveaway?
July 16 Guest Post
Rachel @ The Rest Is Still Unwritten
July 16 The Nerd Girls Guest Blog
Books to the Sky
July 20 ParaYourNormal Blog Talk Radio Show
Wednesday at 3:30 pm PST
July 21 Guest Post
July 22 Guest Blog
July 25 Guest Post
July 27 Eve’s Fan Garden Guest Blog
07/29/2011 - Live Chat Night Owl Young Adult / Teen 5pm PST / 8 EST

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This book sounds really good, I'd love a chance to win.
I follow both ladies on twitter.
Sounds like a good book.
I follow FAngtastic Books on GFC -Sherry S.
follow Natalie Zaman on GFC - Sherry S.
sent Natalie Zaman a friend request on Facebook - Sherry Strode
follow Charlotte Bennardo on GFC - Sherry S.
sent Charlotte Bennardo a friend request on Facebook - Sherry Strode
sstrode at scrtc dot com
Wow, this sounds like an exciting read!
little lamb lst at yahoo dot com
I would love to read this book. I saw a review earlier today and they said the story is great.
GFC follower.
Like Fangtastic on Facebook.
(sorry, won't follow athors I don't already read)
Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read this book. Please enter me in contest.
This book sounds great as I love the Percy Jackson series too... with the Greek mythology... Thanks for the giveaway!
oooo loved the interview! so freaking original! love it! would love to win this book too...went to the blog and read a bit of it...nice!
I follow Nat's blog via GFC.
I follow Char's blog via GFC.
I follow Nat via Twitter as FotoMacro.
I follow Char via Twitter as FotoMacro.
I sent Nat a friend request via FB as Tofu Fairy.
I sent Char a friend request via FB as Tofu Fairy.
6 total entries!
14earth at gmail dot com
I follow Fangtastic Books via GFC as Ash.
I follow Natalie Zaman's blog as Ash..
I follow Natalie on Twitter as Ash_Ash.
I follow Charlotte's blog as Ash.
I follow Charlotte on Twitter as Ash_Ash.
this sounds like a really good read.
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