Friday, July 3, 2009

Free Book Friday: The Highwayman by Michele Hauf

Michele Hauf's newest book, The Highwayman, just hit stores this week and to celebrate I am giving away a free copy of The Highwayman to one lucky commenter.

From Michele's website:

In Michele Hauf's WICKED GAMES miniseries, a match between cat and demon takes on a most delicious spin...

Max Fitzroy, the legendary Highwayman, has slain scores of demons with a razor-lined whip and a burning need for revenge. Now, to rid himself of the demon shadow inside him—who has cursed him with immortality and stole all sensual pleasures—Max needs a witch's familiar, the one creature he's made a career of killing.

But the Highwayman isn't prepared for the familiar named Aby. The sleek and sexy conduit to the demon realm sees past his nightmarish shadow as easily as he scales the walls she's erected to protect herself. Max needs Aby to grant him his freedom, and then he needs to slay her. But how can he destroy the only creature he's desired in centuries?

Want to read an excerpt? Click here.

The Highwayman sounds yummy doesn't it?

I am so glad I have two copies, one to read and one to give away. So if you want a copy leave a comment and I'll pick a winner next Wednesday so you have all weekend to leave a comment (I know many US people will be busy since it is the 4th of July weekend). US shipping addresses only, please make sure your email contact info is available in the comment. Thanks and good luck.


tetewa said...

I've been hearing alot about this one, count me in!

Chris said...

I already have a copy (and it IS a good read!). I'll try to remember to mention your contest Monday or Tuesday.

Pam P said...

I have it on my wishlist already, so count me in please. Happy Fourth!

Vicki said...

Please count me in, too!


She said...

I love those demon hunters. It sounds good.

Unknown said...

I've been hearing about this book coming out for a bit. Vount me in plz.:)

Heather B. said...

Don't enter me, I already own my copy. Love Michele's books and this one is no exception.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Wicked cool book! Please enter me in this drawing. Thanks! Indigo


Anonymous said...

It's been added to my ever-growing TBR pile. Please count me in for the contest.


ktshabatie said...

This sounds so good! Please include me in the contest! :]

Cybercliper said...

Wow, nothing like a sexy demon hunter to add some fireworks - and what better day than the 4th of July!!! annhon(at)aol(dot)com

SharonJM said...

I've read other Michele Hauf books, notibly through Harlequin.This one reads a little different although the werewolf touch is familiar. Going on my TBBL.

The Scarf Princess said...

I've been hearing such good things about this book! So please, oh please, pick me!

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

keatonkat said...

Sounds like a Hot one!!


Mariee said...

I'd love to win a copy! Please count me in.

marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com

Carlene said...

Please include me in your giveaway.

CrystalGB said...

I would love to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway.

Donna M. Clark said...

I would love to read this book. Thank you for having this giveaway.
litefoot873 (@)

Debby said...

This book looks great.
debby236 @ att .net

Estella said...

I have heard a lot about this one!

kissinoak AT verizon DOT net

Anonymous said...

My guess is he doesn't end up slaying her. :D


Kytaira said...

d love to win a copy! The excerpt was great. I'd never heard of absinthe - the Green Fairy, so I had to look it up. Cool info. I love when I learn new things from books.

Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

Yummy! I've been seeing this all around and would love to win a copy, please count me in.

Thanks - Miranda

mdwartistry at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

throw my name in the hat! please



Please enter me into the contest.
