Sunday, January 17, 2010

If I Had One Wish, I’d Be a Witch

Photo Credit under Flickr Creative Commons- Pin up witch postcard by foxtongue
When I was little I wanted to grow up and be a witch. I was so sure that when I turned thirteen I would come into my powers (I read that in a book) and I was so disappointed when my thirteenth birthday came and went and no powers came my way. I kept hoping that maybe I was just going to be a late bloomer but no such luck.

See I really loved the show Bewitched and the books…I devoured anything and everything that had anything supernatural in it. Even if it just hinted at being supernatural, like the old Gothic romances that would lead you into scary situations that always ended up having a human element. Didn’t care, I loved the spooky story.

My own scary ending though, well, to this day I can’t really say that I’ve come into my powers. Now if you ask my husband he’d probably say something totally different. He would comment on my seemingly unnatural scent capabilities or my acute hearing (I chalk that up to supersonic mommy hearing, we have to be able to hear our babies wherever they are, the scent thing maybe I’m part bloodhound). Or he might even mention how I always seem to know things, things I shouldn’t know like when he’s planning a surprise for me or what gift he’s buying. Honestly there’s nothing supernatural there either he just really sucks at keeping a secret. LOL.

Even if those are my super powers or my witch capabilities I personally was hoping for something a little flashier. Like being able to twitch my nose and the house is clean or wave my hand and dinner is ready. Now those are powers that would come in handy to a super busy mom of three who also happens to be a writer and would much rather be writing than cooking or cleaning.

Anyway there’s that old saying about “those who can’t, teach”. In my case it’s “those who aren’t, write about those who are.” J So most of my stories are of the supernatural persuasion-ghosts, werewolves, demons, and most of all vampires and…witches.

(This guest blog of mine orginally appeared at


Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Roxanne, being a witch does seem super-cool. Charmed is my all-time favorite tv show and I often wish I could cast spells or move things like the witches in that show (though it's probably good I can't blow things up, as that would make for bad road rage!).

Have you read The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane by Katherine Howe? It's a neat tale of witches. Though I was very disappointed after I tried the sieve-and-scissors thing that was described in the book and it didn't work for me :-(

I do agree with you about the super-senses of mommying -- I'd walk into a room and smell my kiddo's dirty diaper where as my husband, sitting right next to it couldn't smell a thing!

Barbara said...

It would be pretty cool to be a witch. Okay maybe not being able to blow things up is a good thing but it would be pretty cool Oh it would certainly come in handy to have powers although I can't pull off twitching my nose at least not without some help from my finger.

Emme Toaye said...

That would be a great wish, a witch who could bring World Peace with a twitch of her nose. I like it. I never had any paranormal experiences until June of 1997. Two things happened One I bought a huge heavy old mirror at a yard sale and Two my brother died. I don't know if the mirror opened a portal to let spirits through or my brother helped open a portal for them. But since then I have had some experiences. So I know things can change in a heartbeat and be careful of what you wish for.

Linda Robertson said...

I love this post. I too suffer from the mommy-hearing (4 boys). Bad part is when it won't shut off at night and little sounds wake me. And witches do seem pretty darn cool. Just the idea of exerting some control over life in those times when things get crazy--that would be fabulous.

Roxanne Rhoads said...

I know how you feel about the sleep thing, I am such a light sleeper everything wakes me up these days.

I remember when I was younger I could slep through anything, now I can hear one of my kids sneeze from across the house through shut bedroom doors. :-)

Witchy Woman said...

Oh me too, me too! I love anything related to witches. The shows Bewitched and Charmed. I'm surprised the movie Practical Magic even plays anymore, because I've seen it once, or twice, or 500times. My favorite witch series is more YA, but nonetheless it's my fav witch reads L.J. Smith's The Secret Circle series.Course' Michele's witch Ravin from Kiss Me Deadly is pretty darn cool too.:)

Roxanne Rhoads said...

Practical Magic is one of my all time favorite movies- I too have seen it like a gazillion times.

And Charmed love that show too until I started missing it at the end until I had no idea who all the new girls were. I never found out how Pru died either. I missed the episode like 3 differnt times when I was watching the old reruns in order.

Nicle I'll have to get The Physick Book of Deliverance sounds interesting.

I didn't know LJ Smith had a witch series. (I'm just getting into the YA books) I am so on it.