Monday, March 8, 2010

Monday Musings March 8, 2010

How was every one's weekend?

Mine was kinda lazy. I finished reading Black Magic Sanction by Kim Harrison (review coming soon) and watched a movie or two. Nothing exciting.

BTW, the new Fame movie totally sucked.

I did a little bit of writing but mostly worked on stuff for my daughter who just rejoined girl scouts and for my oldest son. I am busy working with him and planning the rest of his senior year- prom, open house, etc. I had to dig through albums to find baby photos of him for his yearbook which he will probably hate. That's OK he'll appreciate the gesture later in life. As a teenager he appreciates nothing. I am sure I didn't either. OK as I think about it not true, I definitely appreciated things more than he does but I was still an arrogant, selfish kid too.

I also did a lot of cooking. Nothing fancy. Normally on weekends I usually make hubby cook but he had to work.

So not much else to chat about right now. I have to go write and make up for all the writing I didn't do this weekend.

This week at Fang-tastic Books I have a couple authors scheduled for interviews and guest blogs: Tuesday is Eliza Gayle, Wednesday is an interview with Skyler White author of and Falling, Fly, Thursday is an interview and giveaway with Denise Verrico author of the vampire novel Cara Mia, and Friday I'll be giving away a copy of Angelology. Saturday Shadowfae author Erica Hayes will be dropping by for a guest blog about her newest book.

Be sure to enter all of last week's contests before tonight at midnight EST.


Anonymous said...

I've heard so much about this Angelology novel that I'm very tempted to read it, despite the fact that I write about angels and I don't want to get any more ideas ;-)

Loving your new blog look, Roxanne!

Roxanne Rhoads said...

I haven't had a chance to read it yet but it sounds facinating.

I used to be into angels...a lot...but I don't know haven't been real into them for awhile. Maybe I just haven't read anything that inspired me.

Jackie said...

Weekend here was productive, the weather has finally started to cooperate so we can get outside more and more and catch up on the straightening and other chores that build up over the too wet, too cold days...

I am looking forward to true Spring when it turns balmy and flowers and trees bloom out and all the wildlife comes back out to play!!

Sounds like your eldest boy has a wonderful Mom, the thing is about teenage years we really do not pay attention to our parents kindness and by the time we do some of us are too late...
In retrospect I was a very lucky and spoiled only child and had the opportunity to let both my mother and father know that for years that appreciated any and all their efforts, when as a teen and young adult blew it all off as being too confining and dull!!
Have a good writing day and happy Monday...
jackie b central texas

Roxanne Rhoads said...

my yard is too much of a muddy mess to get anything done in it yet, hopefully by this next weekend it will be dried out enough to start spring clean up.

Seriously where does all the garbage come from? Does it come in with the snow?

As for my kids, I hope I am doing right by them.